Bighorn Sheep

  • Bighorn Sheep

          Bighorn Sheep

          Bighorn Sheep males, called rams, are distinguished by their large, curled horns. The horns represent the age of the ram. They are a status symbol, but they are also a weapon. 

          Male bighorn sheep are called rams. Female bighorn sheep are ewes. Males face each other when fighting for dominance and rear up on their hind legs, charging. The clash of horns can be heard from a great distance until a ram yields and departs. 

          The horns on a Bighorn ram can weigh 30 pounds. Bighorn ewes have smaller horns. Bighorns' split hooves and rough hoof bottoms help their balance and natural grip. This and keen vision allows them to move quickly about the rocky, rugged mountain terrain. Bighorn Sheep live in grassy mountain slopes, alpine meadows, and foothills near rocky bluffs and rugged cliffs.

          Bighorn Sheep are a symbol of strength, resilience, and perseverance. These majestic animals are renowned for their ability to navigate rugged terrain, withstand extreme weather conditions, and defend themselves against predators.