
  • Coneflower


          Coneflowers, also called echinacea, come in various colors, including pink, purple, yellow, orange, and white. They are a popular source of nectar for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, making them an essential addition to any garden that supports pollinators.

          The sturdy, long-blooming nature of Coneflowers symbolizes strength and endurance. The circular shape of the Coneflower's head is often associated with unity and wholeness. Coneflowers' delicate petals and soothing colors also represent serenity and tranquility. Their bold, bright colors are often associated with courage and bravery.

          They have become a symbol of environmentalism and sustainability, as they are often used in wildflower gardens and landscaping that promotes biodiversity. Coneflowers have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, and their association with healing has made them a symbol of wellness and good health.

        • Coneflower


                Coneflowers, also called echinacea, come in various colors, including pink, purple, yellow, orange, and white. They are a popular source of nectar for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, making them an essential addition to any garden that supports pollinators.

                The sturdy, long-blooming nature of Coneflowers symbolizes strength and endurance. The circular shape of the Coneflower's head is often associated with unity and wholeness. Coneflowers' delicate petals and soothing colors also represent serenity and tranquility. Their bold, bright colors are often associated with courage and bravery.

                They have become a symbol of environmentalism and sustainability, as they are often used in wildflower gardens and landscaping that promotes biodiversity. Coneflowers have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, and their association with healing has made them a symbol of wellness and good health.

              • Coneflower


                      Coneflowers, also called echinacea, come in various colors, including pink, purple, yellow, orange, and white. They are a popular source of nectar for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, making them an essential addition to any garden that supports pollinators.

                      The sturdy, long-blooming nature of Coneflowers symbolizes strength and endurance. The circular shape of the Coneflower's head is often associated with unity and wholeness. Coneflowers' delicate petals and soothing colors also represent serenity and tranquility. Their bold, bright colors are often associated with courage and bravery.

                      They have become a symbol of environmentalism and sustainability, as they are often used in wildflower gardens and landscaping that promotes biodiversity. Coneflowers have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, and their association with healing has made them a symbol of wellness and good health.

                    • American Bison

                            American Bison

                            The American Bison are the largest mammals in North America. Tens of millions once grazed the grasslands. They experienced a  massive reduction in the number of American Bison when hunting pushed them toward extinction in the 1880s. 

                            Some people call them buffalo, but the  American Bison is unrelated to the African Cape Buffalo or the Water Buffalo, the only true buffaloes in the world. Instead, the American  Bison is more closely associated with goats and cows. 

                            The female bison is slightly smaller than the male bison. Both have large heads with small curved horns and scraggly beards. Bison feed on grass all year, generally in the morning and evening, and rest during the day. 

                            They have few predators because of their size, but wolves, bears, and mountain lions attack young or old bison. In some areas, bison are legally hunted or raised for meat and hides. Some herds are protected and live in national parks and reserves.

                            The Bison is known for its physical strength and ability to endure harsh conditions. As a symbol, it represents resilience, toughness, perseverance, and the ability to overcome challenges.

                            The Bison was a vital resource for many Native American tribes, providing them with food, clothing, and other materials. As a symbol, it represents abundance, prosperity, and the importance of respecting and honoring the earth's resources.

                            Many Native American tribes believed the Bison had spiritual power and were considered sacred animals. As a symbol, it represents spiritual strength, sacredness, and the importance of honoring different cultures' spiritual beliefs and practices.

                          • American Bison

                                  American Bison

                                  The American Bison are the largest mammals in North America. Tens of millions once grazed the grasslands. They experienced a  massive reduction in the number of American Bison when hunting pushed them toward extinction in the 1880s. 

                                  Some people call them buffalo, but the  American Bison is unrelated to the African Cape Buffalo or the Water Buffalo, the only true buffaloes in the world. Instead, the American  Bison is more closely associated with goats and cows. 

                                  The female bison is slightly smaller than the male bison. Both have large heads with small curved horns and scraggly beards. Bison feed on grass all year, generally in the morning and evening, and rest during the day. 

                                  They have few predators because of their size, but wolves, bears, and mountain lions attack young or old bison. In some areas, bison are legally hunted or raised for meat and hides. Some herds are protected and live in national parks and reserves.

                                  The Bison is known for its physical strength and ability to endure harsh conditions. As a symbol, it represents resilience, toughness, perseverance, and the ability to overcome challenges.

                                  The Bison was a vital resource for many Native American tribes, providing them with food, clothing, and other materials. As a symbol, it represents abundance, prosperity, and the importance of respecting and honoring the earth's resources.

                                  Many Native American tribes believed the Bison had spiritual power and were considered sacred animals. As a symbol, it represents spiritual strength, sacredness, and the importance of honoring different cultures' spiritual beliefs and practices.

                                • American Bison

                                        American Bison

                                        The American Bison are the largest mammals in North America. Tens of millions once grazed the grasslands. They experienced a  massive reduction in the number of American Bison when hunting pushed them toward extinction in the 1880s. 

                                        Some people call them buffalo, but the  American Bison is unrelated to the African Cape Buffalo or the Water Buffalo, the only true buffaloes in the world. Instead, the American  Bison is more closely associated with goats and cows. 

                                        The female bison is slightly smaller than the male bison. Both have large heads with small curved horns and scraggly beards. Bison feed on grass all year, generally in the morning and evening, and rest during the day. 

                                        They have few predators because of their size, but wolves, bears, and mountain lions attack young or old bison. In some areas, bison are legally hunted or raised for meat and hides. Some herds are protected and live in national parks and reserves.

                                        The Bison is known for its physical strength and ability to endure harsh conditions. As a symbol, it represents resilience, toughness, perseverance, and the ability to overcome challenges.

                                        The Bison was a vital resource for many Native American tribes, providing them with food, clothing, and other materials. As a symbol, it represents abundance, prosperity, and the importance of respecting and honoring the earth's resources.

                                        Many Native American tribes believed the Bison had spiritual power and were considered sacred animals. As a symbol, it represents spiritual strength, sacredness, and the importance of honoring different cultures' spiritual beliefs and practices.

                                      • White Rhinoceros

                                              White Rhinoceros

                                              The Rhinoceros, or Rhino, has five species that still exist: the Black Rhinoceros, White Rhinoceros, Javan Rhinoceros, Indian Rhinoceros, and Sumatran Rhinoceros. 

                                              Despite their enormous strength and size, Rhinos do not prey on other animals for food. Instead, they are herbivores and munch on grass and plants. 

                                              The word Rhinoceros means "nose horn." Rhinos have horns that are composed of keratin, similar to fingernails and human hair. Their horns grow and curve towards the head due to keratin at the front growing faster than in the back. So, if a rhino loses its horn, it will eventually grow back. A fossil once thought to be a dragon was later identified as an extinct woolly rhinoceros. 

                                              Rhinos often have birds called Oxpeckers perched on their backs. The birds feed on the insects on their bodies. Males are very territorial and like to be left alone unless they search for a female. 

                                              Rhinos do not have natural predators. However, they do not have good eyesight, have relatively small brains, and get frightened easily. Consequently, they often will charge at whatever spooks them.
                                              Rhinos are often associated with strength and power due to their massive size and rugged exterior. In addition, Rhinos are a symbol of courage and protection.

                                              The Rhinoceros is a protective symbol that prevents negative energy and bad luck. Statues of rhinos are often placed in homes or offices to provide protection and enhance prosperity.

                                              Rhinos are known for their endurance and resilience in the face of adversity. As a symbol, they represent the ability to overcome challenges and persevere through difficult times.

                                              The Rhino has become a symbol of conservation efforts and the fight against poaching. As Rhino populations continue to decline due to habitat loss and illegal hunting, efforts to protect and preserve these animals have become increasingly important.
                                            • Two Rhinoceroses

                                                    Two Rhinoceroses

                                                    The Rhinoceros, or Rhino, has five species that still exist: the Black Rhinoceros, White Rhinoceros, Javan Rhinoceros, Indian Rhinoceros, and Sumatran Rhinoceros. 

                                                    Despite their enormous strength and size, Rhinos do not prey on other animals for food. Instead, they are herbivores and munch on grass and plants. 

                                                    The word Rhinoceros means "nose horn." Rhinos have horns that are composed of keratin, similar to fingernails and human hair. Their horns grow and curve towards the head due to keratin at the front growing faster than in the back. So, if a rhino loses its horn, it will eventually grow back. A fossil once thought to be a dragon was later identified as an extinct woolly rhinoceros. 

                                                    Rhinos often have birds called Oxpeckers perched on their backs. The birds feed on the insects on their bodies. Males are very territorial and like to be left alone unless they search for a female. 

                                                    Rhinos do not have natural predators. However, they do not have good eyesight, have relatively small brains, and get frightened easily. Consequently, they often will charge at whatever spooks them.
                                                    Rhinos are often associated with strength and power due to their massive size and rugged exterior. In addition, Rhinos are a symbol of courage and protection.

                                                    The Rhinoceros is a protective symbol that prevents negative energy and bad luck. Statues of rhinos are often placed in homes or offices to provide protection and enhance prosperity.

                                                    Rhinos are known for their endurance and resilience in the face of adversity. As a symbol, they represent the ability to overcome challenges and persevere through difficult times.

                                                    The Rhino has become a symbol of conservation efforts and the fight against poaching. As Rhino populations continue to decline due to habitat loss and illegal hunting, efforts to protect and preserve these animals have become increasingly important.