
  • Black-Eyed Susan

          Black-Eyed Susan

          Black-Eyed Susan is a popular wildflower native to North America. It is a sunflower family member and can grow up to 2-3 feet tall. The "black-eyed" part of its name refers to the flower's dark center, surrounded by yellow petals.

          The flower blooms from late summer to fall and attracts pollinators like bees, butterflies, and birds. Black-Eyed Susans are also a good food source for wildlife, as the seeds are high in oil and protein.

          It is also known for its medicinal properties, as Native Americans used it to treat various ailments, including fevers and skin conditions.

          The Black-Eyed Susan is a symbol of encouragement, reminding the recipient to stay positive and persevere through difficult times. The bright and cheerful appearance of the Black-Eyed Susan is said to inspire people to take action and pursue their goals. It is often given as a gift to a friend or family member starting a new business or beginning a new chapter in their life.

          Overall, the Black-Eyed Susan symbolizes strength, resilience, and optimism.

        • African Wild Dog

                African Wild Dog

                By working together, African Wild Dogs can prey on animals much larger than themselves, and their success rate is 80%. 

                These animals are the most efficient hunters. Their targeted prey rarely escapes. The African Wild Dogs also have excellent stamina and can run long distances with speeds up to 35 mph. 

                They are under the authority of an alpha pair, the only ones who breed and live in packs of about twelve. They only kill to eat. 

                African Wild Dogs are the 2nd most endangered carnivore in Africa. There are less than 5,000 remaining. Farmers have often killed these African Wild Dogs and have blamed them when a hyena or leopard kills their cattle. 

                They spend time resting from the heat when they are not hunting. The African Wild Dogs use their excellent eyesight to locate a herd and then approach in full view during the cooler time of the day. Once the animals stampede, they follow them and pick out the weakest member, running them to exhaustion and stopping them from rejoining the others. 

                They hunt for various animals, including warthogs, antelopes, young wildebeest, and birds. African Wild Dogs play a meaningful role in removing weak and sick animals.

                African Wild Dogs are highly social animals that live and hunt in packs. Their cooperative hunting strategies and solid social bonds symbolize teamwork, loyalty, and family values.

                They are known for their ability to adapt to changing environments and situations. Their flexibility and resilience symbolize adaptability and perseverance, showing the ability to survive and thrive in challenging circumstances.

                African Wild Dogs are fierce hunters and can take down prey many times their size. Their hunting skills and bravery in the face of danger symbolize courage and strength.