
  • Carnation


          Carnations are part of the Dianthus family and are known as "pinks." The sweet fragrance of Carnations makes them a popular choice for perfumes and potpourri. In addition, they are known for their long-lasting blooms and can last up to two weeks in a vase.

          Carnations represent love and affection and are popular for romantic gifts and gestures. They are associated with motherly love and blessings to mothers on Mother's Day. White carnations tend to symbolize pure love and good luck. Pink carnations express gratitude and appreciation. 

          They can also symbolize remembrances, particularly for those who have passed away. Carnations in their natural pale pinkish-white color are often associated with innocence and youthfulness.

          Sometimes, they are a gift to bring good luck and protection. And in the language of flowers, Carnations can symbolize distinction and excellence.